It’s Australia Day today.

Something to do with the day this country was ‘found’? Or settled upon? I can’t remember anymore. I’m just struggling to remember day-to-day tasks at the moment.

Because, kid-fried brain.

But seriously. Today is a special day for all Aussies. It’s a public holiday where everyone can take the day off work, have fun, bbq, drink copious amounts of alcohol and listen to good tunes.

Everyone, except for the parents.

Public holidays, including Australia Day, mean shit to us now. Gone are the days of carefree drinking. Of not looking up every three seconds to see what trouble our kids are getting into. Interrupted free conversation with friends is a just a fading memory. Eating our lunch, slooooowwwwwlly, while NOT screaming at the children to stop putting peas up their nose, is completely in the past. Listening to any melody besides repetitive jingles from The Wiggles soundtrack, is never going to happen again.


We can still celebrate I suppose, but our job will still go on. It’s forever I tell you. FOR-BLOODY-EVER!!! (that’s Aussie slang for “I’m not so sure I can parent anymore”).

Australian, or ‘Strayan, parents are exactly the same as every other parent around the world. We work hard. Wipe bums. Cook food our kids hate. Give the child the ‘wrong’ coloured plate, so the shit hits the fan. Clean up toys 178 times a day. Step on Lego’s, only to destroy another nerve in our foot. Argue with our kids about stupid shit. And collapse into bed at 8:30pm wondering if it will get easier tomorrow (we all hold onto that hope).

The only difference in Australia, is that we scream talk differently to our kids.

It’s all slang, you see. We might be hard workers with our parenting, but we are bat shit lazy with our communication of the English language. Everything is abbreviated, made up, or grunted in a way only Aussies can understand. Australians like to chew, spit and burp out our words.

All class, I tell you.

Below, are some examples on how Aussie parents speak to their kids.

NOTE: Please image loud Australian parent with a twangy accent, talking to their kid(s). It makes my job a lot easier.


On what would they like to eat?:

“What kind of tucker do ya want?”

“Do ya want a cheerio or a bikkie? Or you can have a chook sanger. Or maybe some Maccas? Actually, there is some leftover spag bol. You can have that. Righto?”

Explaining to your child to behave whilst grocery shopping:

“We are going to Woollies to get some snags for the barbie, so you better not give me any cheek or chuck a spaz or spit the dummy or play silly buggers while we are there because I reckon I’m gonna get aggro. Righto?”

On saying ‘Yes’:

“I reckon!”
“Too right.”

On saying ‘No’:

“No bloody way.”
“We’ll see.”
“Yeah, nah.”
“Go ask your mother.”

On getting the kid to close the door in case the wildlife enters the house:

“Close the bloody fly wire, or the bloody blowies or the stupid mozzies or the noisy cockies or the flamin’ redbacks or the nasty crocs or the wanker roos or the arsehole dingos or the stinkin’ chooks will get in! RIGHTO??!!”

On pointing out something fairly exciting for child to look at while you are driving:

“Check out the ambos!”
“Look. There’s the postie!”
“Shit! Here come the coppers!”
“Quick! Get the bin out! Here are the garbos!”

Encouraging your child that they can be whatever they want when they grow up:

“Bloody oath you can do anything you want! You could be a chippie, or a sparky, or a brickie, or a poo man, or a cabbie, or a cockie, or a gyno, or a journo.”

“Just don’t be a dero. Or a wineo. Or get blotto. Or drink metho. Or go troppo. Or turn into a veggo. Or a weirdo. And worst of all, don’t be a yobbo. Righto?”

You will notice that Australians like to change words and end them with an ‘o’. This happens especially with names of people. Your kid could be named Steve, but we wouldn’t call him that. We would call him Stevo. Jon would be Jonno. Robert would be Robbo. It all sounds so much friendlier with an ‘o’ on the end.

Asking child to go to sleep:

“Just take a kip.”
“Get some shut eye.”
“Hit the sack.”
“Just crash already!!”

On explaining their beloved pet just passed away:

“Sorry kiddo, Bluey, the larrikin mongrel drank some metho and karked it. He was a good mutt. A real mate. You right cobber? Here, have an ANZAC bikkie. Good-o? Righto.”

So as you can see, us ‘Strayans talk like weirdos. Even to our kids. But it all makes sense to us. Sort of. I think we just make most of it up as we go along.


Linking up with Essentially Jess for #IBOT

31 thoughts on “THE ‘STRAYAN PARENT

    1. Thanks Leanne. I am only conscious of our ‘twang’ and ‘way of speaking’ when I am next to person from another country. We really do speak a bit weird ;). Happy Straya Day to you too. xo


  1. Alas, yes, we really do talk like that. Case in point: Upon entering a bedroom where both children were supposed to be sleeping but instead were “cacking themselves”, Indy says, “Oh Mum, we were just playing silly buggers!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My favourite line: “Just don’t be a dero. Or a wineo. Or get blotto. Or drink metho. Or go troppo. Or turn into a veggo. Or a weirdo. And worst of all, don’t be a yobbo. Righto?”

    Too bloody right!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Urgh, public holidays mean even less to me now that my husband is a shiftworker who doesn’t get public holidays off! I’ve spent today looking after two sick little boys. Mum and I took them for a drive in the country for some excitement – they slept the whole way in the car 🙂 Then we all got ice creams and came home again!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hehe…what a fun little post! We experienced the inability to carry on an adult conversation this morning at the Australia Day breakfast in Canberra. What on earth made us think we’d be able to catch up with friends on a public holiday in a public place with 7 kids around?! Dunderheads! Happy Australia Day. =)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yep you’ve just about nailed it! I always laugh at the differences in meaning of words between countries. I remember a friend from the US telling me that she was rooting for me. Her face was priceless when after I finished laughing, I explained to her that root in Australia means to have sex.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! That would have got her a bit embarrassed. I remember telling an American friend what fanny meant in Australian. Their term ‘fanny’ means their butt. It was awkward to say the least.


  6. Haha! Even being a Kiwi I can understand most of these! On swimming in NZ ‘Grab your togs and chuck you jandels on!’. Jandels. NOT THONGS. Thongs are g-strings ok. I love the reasons to shut the door too! Haha. Yeah, nah (totally a Kiwi thing to say too) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. BAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAH! Oh so much gold here, but this line is PURE GENIUS: “We are going to Woollies to get some snags for the barbie, so you better not give me any cheek or chuck a spaz or spit the dummy or play silly buggers while we are there because I reckon I’m gonna get aggro. Righto?”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Haha love it Kel… I hope you at least got some time putting your feet up. I spent Oz Day chasing a bare-bottomed toddler around, feeding him lamb sausage and lamington (bad parent award right there) and trying to make sure he didn’t wreck my friend’s house. Meanwhile my lovely friends, whose kids are older and basically didn’t say boo to us all day, sat on their arses drinking wine and eating their lunch without incident! xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yesterday was okay. Not like it was pre-children, but still okay. There would have been coconut everywhere in your house from the lamingtons!!! Oh well, at least it was in your friends house. Serves them right for drinking wine and having fun. Bastards.


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